list of hooks defined in this version ( in do_action(), apply_filters() )
list of hooks used ( in add_action(), add_filter() )
- _edit_form
- activate_blog
- add_attachment
- add_meta_boxes
- add_option
- add_option_
- add_post_metadata
- add_site_option_
- admin_action_
- admin_bar_menu
- admin_enqueue_scripts
- admin_footer
- admin_head
- admin_init
- admin_menu
- admin_notices
- after_setup_theme
- after_switch_theme
- all_admin_notices
- bbp_get_breadcrumb
- before_delete_post
- block_categories
- category_description
- category_link
- category_rewrite_rules
- clean_object_term_cache
- clean_term_cache
- column_hidden
- comment_reply_link
- created_category
- cron_schedules
- customize_register
- default_option_
- default_site_option_
- default_site_option_{$option_name}
- delete_category
- delete_post
- delete_term
- delete_term_taxonomy
- delete_user
- deleted_term_relationships
- deleted_user
- edit_attachment
- edit_term
- edit_user_profile
- edit_user_profile_update
- edited_category
- edited_term
- edited_terms
- enqueue_block_editor_assets
- fb_meta_tags
- get_user_metadata
- http_api_transports
- http_response
- icl_wpml_config_array
- init
- jetpack_enable_open_graph
- language_attributes
- load-
- load-edit.php
- loginout
- manage_
- manage_edit-
- manage_notification
- manage_posts_extra_tablenav
- mce_css
- members_get_capabilities
- members_register_cap_groups
- network_admin_menu
- oembed_response_data
- old_slug_redirect_url
- option_
- option_page_capability_
- option_wpseo
- option_wpseo_titles
- personal_options_update
- phpcompat_whitelist
- plugin_action_links_
- plugins_api
- plugins_loaded
- post_link_category
- postbox_classes_dashboard_wpseo-dashboard-overview
- postbox_classes_{$post_type}_wpseo_meta
- posts_clauses
- posts_where
- pre_get_document_title
- pre_get_posts
- pre_handle_404
- pre_option_
- pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins
- profile_update
- promo
- query_vars
- redirect_canonical
- register
- registered_post_type
- registered_taxonomy
- render
- request
- rest_api_init
- restrict_manage_posts
- sanitize_option_
- sanitize_option_{$option_name}
- save_post
- set-screen-option
- show_user_profile
- shutdown
- site_option_
- split_shared_term
- switch_theme
- template_redirect
- the_content_feed
- the_excerpt_rss
- thematic_doctitle
- tiny_mce_before_init
- transition_post_status
- unregistered_post_type
- unregistered_taxonomy
- update_option
- update_option_
- update_option_wpseo
- update_post_metadata
- update_site_option_
- update_user_meta
- ure_capabilities_groups_tree
- ure_custom_capability_groups
- user_contactmethods
- user_has_cap
- user_register
- views_
- views_edit-
- woo_title
- wp
- wp_ajax_
- wp_ajax_get_focus_keyword_usage
- wp_ajax_get_term_keyword_usage
- wp_ajax_wpseo_clear_auth_code
- wp_ajax_wpseo_dismiss_
- wp_ajax_wpseo_dismiss_gsc
- wp_ajax_wpseo_dismiss_onpageorg
- wp_ajax_wpseo_dismiss_plugin_conflict
- wp_ajax_wpseo_dismiss_tagline_notice
- wp_ajax_wpseo_filter_shortcodes
- wp_ajax_wpseo_get_profiles
- wp_ajax_wpseo_mark_fixed_crawl_issue
- wp_ajax_wpseo_recalculate_scores
- wp_ajax_wpseo_recalculate_total
- wp_ajax_wpseo_replace_vars
- wp_ajax_wpseo_save_all_descriptions
- wp_ajax_wpseo_save_all_titles
- wp_ajax_wpseo_save_auth_code
- wp_ajax_wpseo_save_metadesc
- wp_ajax_wpseo_save_title
- wp_ajax_wpseo_set_ignore
- wp_ajax_wpseo_set_option
- wp_ajax_wpseo_update_score
- wp_ajax_yoast_dismiss_alert
- wp_ajax_yoast_dismiss_notification
- wp_ajax_yoast_get_notifications
- wp_ajax_yoast_restore_alert
- wp_dashboard_setup
- wp_enqueue_scripts
- wp_footer
- wp_head
- wp_insert_post
- wp_loaded
- wp_title
- wp_trash_post
- wpml_get_home_url
- wpmu_new_blog
- wpseo_accessible_post_types
- wpseo_activate
- wpseo_admin_l10n
- wpseo_content_meta_section_content
- wpseo_cornerstone_post_types
- wpseo_deactivate
- wpseo_do_sitemap_
- wpseo_double_clean_titles
- wpseo_frontend_page_type_simple_page_id
- wpseo_head
- wpseo_help_center_items
- wpseo_hit_sitemap_index
- wpseo_json_ld
- wpseo_link_count_post_types
- wpseo_onpage_fetch
- wpseo_opengraph
- wpseo_option_tab-metas_media
- wpseo_ping_search_engines
- wpseo_register_capabilities
- wpseo_register_extra_replacements
- wpseo_register_roles
- wpseo_replacements_final
- wpseo_run_upgrade
- wpseo_save_compare_data
- wpseo_save_metaboxes
- wpseo_submenu_pages
- wpseo_title
- wpseo_tools_overview_list_items
- wpseo_xsl_
- yoast-active-extensions
- yoast-license-valid
- yoast-show-license-notice
- yoast_notifications_before_storage
- {$this->taxonomy}_edit_form
- {$this->taxonomy}_term_edit_form_top