list of hooks defined in this version ( in do_action(), apply_filters() )
list of hooks used ( in add_action(), add_filter() )
- activity_box_end
- add_option_wordpress_api_key
- admin_action_akismet_recheck_queue
- admin_enqueue_scripts
- admin_init
- admin_menu
- admin_notices
- akismet_schedule_cron_recheck
- akismet_scheduled_delete
- all_plugins
- comment_form
- comment_form_after
- comment_moderation_recipients
- comment_row_actions
- gform_akismet_fields
- gform_get_form_filter
- init
- jetpack_admin_menu
- jetpack_auto_activate_akismet
- jetpack_contact_form_akismet_values
- jetpack_contact_form_html
- jetpack_options_whitelist
- load-$hook
- manage_comments_nav
- plugin_action_links
- plugin_action_links_
- pre_comment_approved
- preprocess_comment
- rest_api_init
- rest_pre_insert_comment
- rightnow_end
- transition_comment_status
- update_option_wordpress_api_key
- widgets_init
- wp_ajax_akismet_recheck_queue
- wp_ajax_comment_author_deurl
- wp_ajax_comment_author_reurl
- wp_head
- wp_insert_comment
- wp_privacy_personal_data_erasers
- wpcf7_akismet_parameters
- wpcf7_form_elements
- wxr_export_skip_commentmeta
- xmlrpc_call