

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: wordpress-seo.24.1

apply_filters('wpseo_indexing_get_limited_unindexed_count_background') is found 1 times:

  • /src/helpers/indexing-helper.php line 395

    Warning: Undefined array key 397 in /home/c6974294/public_html/wp-plugin-api.com/wp-content/themes/wordpress-hooks/functions.php on line 167

    Warning: Undefined array key 398 in /home/c6974294/public_html/wp-plugin-api.com/wp-content/themes/wordpress-hooks/functions.php on line 167

    Warning: Undefined array key 399 in /home/c6974294/public_html/wp-plugin-api.com/wp-content/themes/wordpress-hooks/functions.php on line 167

    Warning: Undefined array key 400 in /home/c6974294/public_html/wp-plugin-api.com/wp-content/themes/wordpress-hooks/functions.php on line 167

    		 * @param int       $unindexed_count The amount of unindexed objects.
    		 * @param int|false $limit           Limit the number of unindexed objects that need to be counted.
    		 *                                   False if it doesn't need to be limited.
    		return \apply_filters( 'wpseo_indexing_get_limited_unindexed_count_background', $unindexed_count, $limit );