

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: wp-migrate-db.2.6.9

apply_filters('wpmdb_settings_js') is found 1 times:

  • /class/Common/Plugin/Assets.php line 67
            $src = $plugins_url . "frontend/mdb-2.0.js";
            wp_enqueue_script('wp-migrate-db-pro-script-v2', $src, [], $version, true);
            wp_localize_script('wp-migrate-db-pro-script-v2', 'wpmdb_settings', apply_filters('wpmdb_settings_js', $this->settings->get_settings_for_frontend()));
                apply_filters('wpmdb_js_strings', array(
                    'connection_info_missing'               => __('The connection information appears to be missing, please enter it to continue.', 'wp-migrate-db'),
                    'connection_info_url_invalid'           => __('The URL on the first line appears to be invalid, please check it and try again.', 'wp-migrate-db'),
                    'connection_info_key_invalid'           => __('The secret key on the second line appears to be invalid. It should be a 40 character string that consists of letters, numbers and special characters only.', 'wp-migrate-db'),