

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: wordpress-seo.24.1

apply_filters('wpseo_image_attribute_containing_id') is found 2 times:

  • /src/images/Application/image-content-extractor.php line 89
    		 * Defaults to "class", which is where WP natively stores the image IDs, in a `wp-image-<ID>` format.
    		 * @api string The attribute to be used to extract image IDs from.
    		$attribute = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_image_attribute_containing_id', 'class' );
    		while ( $processor->next_tag( $query ) ) {
    			$src     = \htmlentities( $processor->get_attribute( 'src' ), ( \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_SUBSTITUTE | \ENT_HTML401 ), \get_bloginfo( 'charset' ) );
    			$classes = $processor->get_attribute( $attribute );
    			$id      = $this->extract_id_of_classes( $classes );
    			$images[ $src ] = $id;
  • /src/images/Application/image-content-extractor.php line 119
    		 * Defaults to "class", which is where WP natively stores the image IDs, in a `wp-image-<ID>` format.
    		 * @api string The attribute to be used to extract image IDs from.
    		$attribute = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_image_attribute_containing_id', 'class' );
    		\libxml_use_internal_errors( true );
    		$post_dom = new DOMDocument();
    		$post_dom->loadHTML( '<?xml encoding="' . $charset . '">' . $content );