

Hook Type: action

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: jetpack.13.2.1

do_action('jetpack_pre_switch_theme') is found 1 times:

  • /json-endpoints/jetpack/class.jetpack-json-api-themes-active-endpoint.php line 59
    		 * @param string $theme_slug Directory name for the theme.
    		 * @param mixed  $args       POST body data, including info about the theme we must switch to.
    		do_action( 'jetpack_pre_switch_theme', $theme_slug, $args );
    		$theme = wp_get_theme( $theme_slug );
    		if ( ! $theme->exists() ) {
    			return new WP_Error( 'theme_not_found', __( 'The specified theme was not found.', 'jetpack' ), 404 );