

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: jetpack.13.2.1

apply_filters('jetpack_google_fonts_api_url') is found 2 times:

  • /jetpack_vendor/automattic/jetpack-google-fonts-provider/src/class-google-fonts-provider.php line 164
    		 * @since 0.4.0
    		 * @param string $url The Google Fonts API URL.
    		$root_url = \esc_url( apply_filters( 'jetpack_google_fonts_api_url', $this->root_url ) );
    		* Iterate over each font-family group to build the Google Fonts API URL
    		* for that specific family. Each is added to the collection of URLs to be
    		* returned to the `get_css()` method for making the remote request.
  • /modules/google-fonts/current/load-google-fonts.php line 42
    	// Replace the google fonts api url if the custom one is provided.
    	$custom_google_fonts_api_url = \esc_url(
    		/** This filter is documented in projects/packages/google-fonts-provider/src/class-google-fonts-provider.php */
    		apply_filters( 'jetpack_google_fonts_api_url', $default_google_fonts_api_url )
    	if ( $custom_google_fonts_api_url !== $default_google_fonts_api_url ) {
    		foreach ( $data['fontFamilies'] as &$font_family ) {
    			foreach ( $font_family['fontFace'] as &$font_face ) {
    				$font_face['src'] = str_replace(