

Appears in:
Hook Type: action

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: bbpress.2.6.9

do_action('_bbp_akismet_batch_delete') is found 3 times:

  • /includes/extend/akismet.php line 1064
    				 * @param string The current function.
    				 * @param int    The current topic/reply ID.
    				do_action( '_bbp_akismet_batch_delete', __FUNCTION__, $spam_id );
    			// Prepared as strings since id is an unsigned BIGINT, and using %
    			// will constrain the value to the maximum signed BIGINT.
    			$format_string = implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $spam_ids ), '%s' ) );
  • /includes/extend/akismet.php line 1145
    				 * @param string The current function.
    				 * @param int    The current topic/reply ID.
    				do_action( '_bbp_akismet_batch_delete', __FUNCTION__, $spam_id );
    			 * Single action that encompasses all topic/reply IDs after the
    			 * delete queries have been run.
  • /includes/extend/akismet.php line 1223
    				 * @param string The current function.
    				 * @param int    The current topic/reply ID.
    				do_action( '_bbp_akismet_batch_delete', __FUNCTION__, $spam_meta );
    				// Stash the meta ID being deleted
    				$spam_meta_deleted[] = $last_meta_id = $spam_meta->meta_id;