list of hooks defined in this version ( in do_action(), apply_filters() )
Hook | Type |
get_setting_page | action |
wp_title_ | filter |
zhd_get_override_alert_bar_message | filter |
zhw_hide_alert_bar | filter |
list of hooks used ( in add_action(), add_filter() )
- _add_form_fields
- _edit_form
- add_meta_boxes
- admin_enqueue_scripts
- admin_init
- admin_menu
- admin_notices
- after_setup_theme
- after_switch_theme
- body_class
- check_if_holiday
- check_if_store_hours_is_opened
- create_
- edit_
- get_period_schedule_by_day
- init
- option_page_capability_
- plugins_loaded
- pre_option_zhours_current_status
- save_post
- template_include
- template_redirect
- woocommerce_after_mini_cart
- woocommerce_proceed_to_checkout
- woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_before_buttons
- wp
- wp_ajax_
- wp_ajax_nopriv_
- wp_enqueue_scripts
- wp_footer
- wp_title
- zhours_cache_clear_close
- zhours_cache_clear_open