

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: wp-super-cache.1.9.4

apply_filters('cached_mobile_browsers') is found 1 times:

  • /wp-cache.php line 914
    		$wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = lite_detection_ua_prefixes();
    	} else {
    		$wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = array( 'w3c ', 'w3c-', 'acs-', 'alav', 'alca', 'amoi', 'audi', 'avan', 'benq', 'bird', 'blac', 'blaz', 'brew', 'cell', 'cldc', 'cmd-', 'dang', 'doco', 'eric', 'hipt', 'htc_', 'inno', 'ipaq', 'ipod', 'jigs', 'kddi', 'keji', 'leno', 'lg-c', 'lg-d', 'lg-g', 'lge-', 'lg/u', 'maui', 'maxo', 'midp', 'mits', 'mmef', 'mobi', 'mot-', 'moto', 'mwbp', 'nec-', 'newt', 'noki', 'palm', 'pana', 'pant', 'phil', 'play', 'port', 'prox', 'qwap', 'sage', 'sams', 'sany', 'sch-', 'sec-', 'send', 'seri', 'sgh-', 'shar', 'sie-', 'siem', 'smal', 'smar', 'sony', 'sph-', 'symb', 't-mo', 'teli', 'tim-', 'tosh', 'tsm-', 'upg1', 'upsi', 'vk-v', 'voda', 'wap-', 'wapa', 'wapi', 'wapp', 'wapr', 'webc', 'winw', 'winw', 'xda ', 'xda-' ); // from
    	$wp_cache_mobile_browsers = apply_filters( 'cached_mobile_browsers', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers ); // Allow mobile plugins access to modify the mobile UA list
    	$wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = apply_filters( 'cached_mobile_prefixes', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes ); // Allow mobile plugins access to modify the mobile UA prefix list
    	if ( function_exists( 'do_cacheaction' ) ) {
    		$wp_cache_mobile_browsers = do_cacheaction( 'wp_super_cache_mobile_browsers', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers );
    		$wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = do_cacheaction( 'wp_super_cache_mobile_prefixes', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes );
    	$mobile_groups = apply_filters( 'cached_mobile_groups', array() ); // Group mobile user agents by capabilities. Lump them all together by default