list of hooks defined in this version ( in do_action(), apply_filters() )
Hook | Type |
_init | action |
force_ssl | filter |
http_external_url | filter |
http_internal_url | filter |
https_external_url | filter |
https_internal_url | filter |
is_ssl | filter |
secure_auth_cookie | filter |
wordpress_https_parser_ob | filter |
list of hooks used ( in add_action(), add_filter() )
- _init
- add_meta_boxes
- admin_enqueue_scripts
- admin_init
- admin_menu
- admin_print_scripts
- admin_print_styles
- admin_url
- allowed_redirect_hosts
- bloginfo_url
- clear_auth_cookie
- force_ssl
- get_avatar
- http_external_url
- http_internal_url
- https_external_url
- https_internal_url
- includes_url
- init
- login_url
- logout_url
- network_admin_menu
- network_admin_url
- plugin_row_meta
- plugins_url
- rewrite_rules_array
- save_post
- secure_post_link
- set_auth_cookie
- set_logged_in_cookie
- site_url
- stylesheet_directory_uri
- template_directory_uri
- template_redirect
- wp_ajax_
- wp_get_attachment_url
- wp_print_scripts
- wp_print_styles
- wpmu_new_blog