Appears in: wp-stateless.3.0, wp-stateless.3.0.1, wp-stateless.3.0.2, wp-stateless.3.0.3, wp-stateless.3.0.4, wp-stateless.3.1.0, wp-stateless.3.1.1, wp-stateless.3.2.2, wp-stateless.3.2.4, wp-stateless.3.2.5, wp-stateless.3.3.0, wp-stateless.3.4.0, wp-stateless.3.4.1, wp-stateless.4.0.3, wp-stateless.4.0.4, wp-stateless.4.1.1, wp-stateless.4.1.2
Hook Type: filter
See hook in action
Displaying hooks found in version: wp-stateless.4.1.2apply_filters('wp_stateless_handle_root_dir') is found 6 times:
- /lib/classes/class-bootstrap.php line 463
$bucket = $this->get('sm.bucket'); //Bucket folder path $root_dir = $this->get('sm.root_dir'); $root_dir = apply_filters("wp_stateless_handle_root_dir", $root_dir); /** * Subdir not uses on Stateless mode */ $uploads['subdir'] = '';
- /lib/classes/class-bootstrap.php line 1018
} } $root_dir = $this->get('sm.root_dir'); $root_dir_regex = '~^' . apply_filters("wp_stateless_handle_root_dir", $root_dir, true) . '/~'; /** * Retrieve Y/M and other tags from current path */ $path_elements = apply_filters('wp_stateless_unhandle_root_dir', $current_path); $root_dir = apply_filters("wp_stateless_handle_root_dir", $root_dir, false, $path_elements);
- /lib/classes/class-bootstrap.php line 1023
/** * Retrieve Y/M and other tags from current path */ $path_elements = apply_filters('wp_stateless_unhandle_root_dir', $current_path); $root_dir = apply_filters("wp_stateless_handle_root_dir", $root_dir, false, $path_elements); $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $current_path = str_replace(wp_normalize_path(trailingslashit($upload_dir['basedir'])), '', wp_normalize_path($current_path)); $current_path = str_replace(wp_normalize_path(trailingslashit($upload_dir['baseurl'])), '', wp_normalize_path($current_path)); $current_path = str_replace(trailingslashit($this->get_gs_host()), '', $current_path);
- /lib/classes/class-bootstrap.php line 1072
if (!empty($upload_data['url']) && !empty($content)) { $url = preg_replace('/https?:\/\//', '', $upload_data['url']); $root_dir = trim($this->get('sm.root_dir'), '/ '); // Remove any forward slash and empty space. $root_dir = apply_filters("wp_stateless_handle_root_dir", $root_dir); $root_dir = !empty($root_dir) ? $root_dir . '/' : false; $image_host = $this->get_gs_host(); $file_ext = $this->replaceable_file_types(); $content = preg_replace( '/(href|src)=(\'|")(https?:\/\/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $url) . ')\/(.+?)(' . $file_ext . ')(\'|")/i', '$1=$2' . $image_host . '/' . ($root_dir ? $root_dir : '') . '$4$5$6',
- /lib/classes/class-bootstrap.php line 1162
if ($meta && $upload_data = wp_upload_dir()) { if (!empty($upload_data['url']) && !empty($meta)) { $url = preg_replace('/https?:\/\//', '', $upload_data['url']); $root_dir = trim($this->get('sm.root_dir'), '/ '); // Remove any forward slash and empty space. $root_dir = apply_filters("wp_stateless_handle_root_dir", $root_dir); $root_dir = !empty($root_dir) ? $root_dir . '/' : false; $image_host = $this->get_gs_host() . '/' . ($root_dir ? $root_dir : ''); $file_ext = $this->replaceable_file_types(); $updated = $this->_convert_to_gs_link($meta, $image_host, $url, $file_ext); } }
- /lib/classes/class-bootstrap.php line 1875
if (empty($post_id)) { $gs_base_url = $this->get_gs_host(); $root_dir = $this->get('sm.root_dir'); $path_elements = apply_filters('wp_stateless_unhandle_root_dir', $url); $root_dir = apply_filters("wp_stateless_handle_root_dir", $root_dir, false, $path_elements); $gs_url = $this->get_gs_host() . '/' . $root_dir; $site_url = parse_url($gs_url); $image_path = parse_url($url); //force the protocols to match if needed if (isset($image_path['scheme']) && ($image_path['scheme'] !== $site_url['scheme'])) {