

Appears in:
Hook Type: action

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: wordfence.8.0.1

do_action('wordfence_waf_changed_protection_level') is found 2 times:

  • /lib/wordfenceClass.php line 8203
    			 * @param string $before The previous mode.
    			 * @param string $after The new mode.
    			do_action('wordfence_waf_changed_protection_level', wfFirewall::PROTECTION_MODE_BASIC, wfFirewall::PROTECTION_MODE_EXTENDED);
    			return array('ok' => 1, 'html' => $html);
    		catch (wfWAFAutoPrependHelperException $e) {
    			$installError = "<p>" . $e->getMessage() . "</p>";
    			$html = wfView::create('waf/waf-modal-wrapper', array(
  • /lib/wordfenceClass.php line 8330
    				 * @param string $before The previous mode.
    				 * @param string $after The new mode.
    				do_action('wordfence_waf_changed_protection_level', wfFirewall::PROTECTION_MODE_EXTENDED, wfFirewall::PROTECTION_MODE_BASIC);
    				return $response;
    			else { //.user.ini and .htaccess modified if applicable and waiting period elapsed or otherwise ready to advance to next step
    				if (WFWAF_AUTO_PREPEND && !WFWAF_SUBDIRECTORY_INSTALL && !WF_IS_WP_ENGINE && !WF_IS_PRESSABLE) { //.user.ini modified, but the WAF is still enabled
    					$retryAttempted = (isset($_POST['retryAttempted']) && $_POST['retryAttempted']);