

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: woocommerce.9.5.1

apply_filters('woocommerce_suggest_jetpack') is found 1 times:

  • /src/Admin/API/OnboardingFreeExtensions.php line 89
    		 * In this instance it is removed from the list of extensions suggested in the Onboarding Profiler. This list is first retrieved from the WooCommerce.com API, then if a plugin with the 'jetpack' slug is found, it is removed.
    		 * @since 7.8
    		if ( false === apply_filters( 'woocommerce_suggest_jetpack', true ) ) {
    			foreach ( $extensions as &$extension ) {
    				$extension['plugins'] = array_filter(
    					function( $plugin ) {
    						return 'jetpack' !== $plugin->key;