

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: woocommerce.9.2.3

apply_filters('woocommerce_product_add_to_cart_aria_describedby') is found 2 times:

  • /includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-product.php line 1988
    		 * @param string $var Text for the 'aria-describedby' attribute.
    		 * @param WC_Product $this Product object.
    		return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_add_to_cart_aria_describedby', '', $this );
    	 * Get the add to cart button text.
    	 * @return string
  • /includes/class-wc-product-variable.php line 67
    		 * This filter is documented in includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-product.php.
    		 * @since 7.8.0
    		return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_add_to_cart_aria_describedby', $this->is_purchasable() ? __( 'This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page', 'woocommerce' ) : '', $this );
    	 * Get the add to cart button text.
    	 * @return string