

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: woocommerce.9.5.1

apply_filters('woocommerce_cart_item_is_purchasable') is found 1 times:

  • /includes/class-wc-cart-session.php line 175
    				 * @param WC_Product $product The product being added to the cart.
    				 * @since 7.0.0
    			} elseif ( ! apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_is_purchasable', $product->is_purchasable(), $key, $values, $product ) ) {
    				$update_cart_session = true;
    				/* translators: %s: product name */
    				$message = sprintf( __( '%s has been removed from your cart because it can no longer be purchased. Please contact us if you need assistance.', 'woocommerce' ), $product->get_name() );
    				 * Filter message about item removed from the cart.