Appears in: wp-stateless.2.3.2, wp-stateless.3.0, wp-stateless.3.0.1, wp-stateless.3.0.2, wp-stateless.3.0.3, wp-stateless.3.0.4, wp-stateless.3.1.0, wp-stateless.3.1.1, wp-stateless.3.2.2, wp-stateless.3.2.4, wp-stateless.3.2.5, wp-stateless.3.3.0, wp-stateless.3.4.0, wp-stateless.3.4.1, wp-stateless.4.0.3, wp-stateless.4.0.4, wp-stateless.4.1.1, wp-stateless.4.1.2
Hook Type: action
See hook in action
Displaying hooks found in version: wp-stateless.4.1.2do_action('sm:sync::syncFile') is found 13 times:
- /lib/classes/compatibility/ewww.php line 40
*/ public function pre_optimization( $file, $type, $fullsize ) { // wp_stateless_file_name filter will remove the basedir from the path and prepend with root dir. $name = apply_filters( 'wp_stateless_file_name', $file ); do_action( 'sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $file, true, array( 'ephemeral' => false, 'download' => true, 'use_root' => true ) ); } /** * If image size not exist then upload it to GS. * * @param $file
- /lib/classes/compatibility/ewww.php line 53
*/ public function post_optimization( $file, $type, $fullsize ) { // wp_stateless_file_name filter will remove the basedir from the path and prepend with root dir. $name = apply_filters( 'wp_stateless_file_name', $file ); do_action( 'sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $file, true, array( 'use_root' => true ) ); // if($fullsize && file_exists($file . '.bak')) // do_action( 'sm:sync::syncFile', $name . '.bak', $file . '.bak', true); if( file_exists( $file . '.webp' ) ) {
- /lib/classes/compatibility/ewww.php line 57
do_action( 'sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $file, true, array( 'use_root' => true ) ); // if($fullsize && file_exists($file . '.bak')) // do_action( 'sm:sync::syncFile', $name . '.bak', $file . '.bak', true); if( file_exists( $file . '.webp' ) ) { add_filter( 'upload_mimes', array( $this, 'add_webp_mime' ), 10, 2 ); do_action( 'sm:sync::syncFile', $name . '.webp', $file . '.webp', true, array( 'use_root' => true ) ); remove_filter( 'upload_mimes', array( $this, 'add_webp_mime' ), 10 ); }
- /lib/classes/compatibility/ewww.php line 61
// do_action( 'sm:sync::syncFile', $name . '.bak', $file . '.bak', true); if( file_exists( $file . '.webp' ) ) { add_filter( 'upload_mimes', array( $this, 'add_webp_mime' ), 10, 2 ); do_action( 'sm:sync::syncFile', $name . '.webp', $file . '.webp', true, array( 'use_root' => true ) ); remove_filter( 'upload_mimes', array( $this, 'add_webp_mime' ), 10 ); } } }
- /lib/classes/compatibility/imagify.php line 199
if (file_exists($backup_path)) { $overwrite = apply_filters('imagify_backup_overwrite_backup', false, $file_path, $backup_path); // wp_stateless_file_name filter will remove the basedir from the path and prepend with root dir. $name = apply_filters('wp_stateless_file_name', $backup_path); do_action('sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $backup_path, $overwrite); } } } /** * Restore backup file from GCS if not exist.
- /lib/classes/compatibility/imagify.php line 215
if (!file_exists($backup_path)) { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $name = str_replace(trailingslashit($upload_dir['basedir']), '', $backup_path); $name = apply_filters('wp_stateless_file_name', $name); do_action('sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $backup_path, true); } } /** * Check if backup exists in GCS. * @param $return
- /lib/classes/compatibility/imagify.php line 252
add_filter('upload_mimes', array($this, 'add_webp_mime'), 10, 2); /** * Media already on GCS, so only replacing data on it. For webp format adding path and status to wp_stateless_files table */ do_action('sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $file, true, array('use_root' => true, 'skip_db' => (substr($name, -4) == "webp" ? false : true))); remove_filter('upload_mimes', array($this, 'add_webp_mime'), 10); } } /** * @param $return
- /lib/classes/compatibility/imagify.php line 274
$attachment_id = $this->getProperties($this->getProperties($this->getProperties($process)['data'])['media'])['id']; $full_size_path = $file->get_path(); $name = apply_filters('wp_stateless_file_name', basename($full_size_path), true, $attachment_id); do_action('sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $full_size_path, true, ['download' => true]); // error_log("\n\ndo_action( 'sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $full_size_path, true, ['download' => true] );"); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; } return $return; }
- /lib/classes/compatibility/imagify.php line 275
$full_size_path = $file->get_path(); $name = apply_filters('wp_stateless_file_name', basename($full_size_path), true, $attachment_id); do_action('sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $full_size_path, true, ['download' => true]); // error_log("\n\ndo_action( 'sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $full_size_path, true, ['download' => true] );"); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; } return $return; }
- /lib/classes/compatibility/shortpixel.php line 292
} $absolutePath = trailingslashit($backup_path) . basename($metadata['file']); $name = apply_filters('wp_stateless_file_name', SHORTPIXEL_BACKUP . '/' . $fullSubDir . basename($metadata['file'])); do_action('sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $absolutePath, $force, $args); foreach ((array) $metadata['sizes'] as $image_size => $data) { $absolutePath = trailingslashit($backup_path) . $data['file']; $name = apply_filters('wp_stateless_file_name', SHORTPIXEL_BACKUP . '/' . $fullSubDir . $data['file']); do_action('sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $absolutePath, $force, $args);
- /lib/classes/compatibility/shortpixel.php line 298
foreach ((array) $metadata['sizes'] as $image_size => $data) { $absolutePath = trailingslashit($backup_path) . $data['file']; $name = apply_filters('wp_stateless_file_name', SHORTPIXEL_BACKUP . '/' . $fullSubDir . $data['file']); do_action('sm:sync::syncFile', $name, $absolutePath, $force, $args); } } } /** * Sync from sync tab
- /lib/classes/compatibility/wp-smush.php line 211
$gs_name = $gs_dir . '/' . basename($data['file']); // Path of backup image $backup_path = $base_dir . '/' . basename($data['file']); // Sync backup image with GCS do_action('sm:sync::syncFile', apply_filters('wp_stateless_file_name', $gs_name), $backup_path); delete_transient('sm-wp-smush-backup-exists-' . $attachment_id); } } } /**
- /lib/classes/sync/class-non-library-sync.php line 120
$file_path = trim($item, '/'); $basedir = ud_get_stateless_media()->is_mode('stateless') ? ud_get_stateless_media()->get_gs_path() : $upload_dir['basedir']; $fullsizepath = $basedir . '/' . $file_path; do_action('sm:sync::syncFile', $file_path, $fullsizepath, true, ['remove_from_queue' => true, 'manual_sync' => true]); $this->log(sprintf(__('%1$s (ID %2$s) was successfully synchronised in %3$s seconds.', ud_get_stateless_media()->domain), esc_html(get_the_title($file_path)), $file_path, timer_stop())); parent::task($item); return false; } catch (FatalException $e) {