

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: jetpack.13.8

apply_filters('jetpack_search_init_search_package') is found 1 times:

  • /jetpack_vendor/automattic/jetpack-search/src/initializers/class-initializer.php line 36
    		 * @since 0.11.2
    		 * @param boolean $init_search_package Default value is true.
    		if ( ! apply_filters( 'jetpack_search_init_search_package', true ) ) {
    			 * Fires when the Jetpack Search fails and would fallback to MySQL.
    			 * @since Jetpack 7.9.0
    			 * @param string $reason Reason for Search fallback.
    			 * @param mixed  $data   Data associated with the request, such as attempted search parameters.