

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: jetpack.11.6

apply_filters('jetpack_dsp_promote_posts_enabled') is found 1 times:

  • /modules/masterbar/admin-menu/class-atomic-admin-menu.php line 377
    		 * @param bool $menu_enabled Wether the menu entry is shown.
    		 * @param int  $user_id      The Advertising menu will be shown/hidden for this user.
    		if ( apply_filters( 'jetpack_dsp_promote_posts_enabled', false, get_current_user_id() ) ) {
    			add_submenu_page( 'tools.php', esc_attr__( 'Advertising', 'jetpack' ), __( 'Advertising', 'jetpack' ), 'manage_options', '' . $this->domain, null, 1 );
    	 * Override the global submenu_file for theme-install.php page so the WP Admin menu item gets highlighted correctly.