

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: bbpress.2.6.9

apply_filters('bbp_subscription_from_email') is found 2 times:

  • /includes/common/functions.php line 1138
    	// Get the noreply@ address
    	$no_reply   = bbp_get_do_not_reply_address();
    	// Setup "From" email address
    	$from_email = apply_filters( 'bbp_subscription_from_email', $no_reply );
    	// Setup the From header
    	$headers[]  = 'From: ' . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . ' <' . $from_email . '>';
    	// Loop through addresses
    	foreach ( (array) $email_addresses as $address ) {
  • /includes/common/functions.php line 1305
    	// Get the noreply@ address
    	$no_reply   = bbp_get_do_not_reply_address();
    	// Setup "From" email address
    	$from_email = apply_filters( 'bbp_subscription_from_email', $no_reply );
    	// Setup the From header
    	$headers[] = 'From: ' . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . ' <' . $from_email . '>';
    	// Loop through addresses
    	foreach ( (array) $email_addresses as $address ) {