Appears in: bbpress.2.5.14, bbpress.2.6.0, bbpress.2.6.1, bbpress.2.6.11, bbpress.2.6.2, bbpress.2.6.3, bbpress.2.6.4, bbpress.2.6.5, bbpress.2.6.6, bbpress.2.6.9
Hook Type: action
Displaying hooks found in version: bbpress.2.6.9do_action('bbp_delete_topic_tag') is found 1 times:
- /includes/topics/functions.php line 1848
// We don't have any other place to go other than home! Or we may die because of the 404 disease $redirect = bbp_get_forums_url(); // Update counts, etc... do_action( 'bbp_delete_topic_tag', $tag_id, $tag ); break; } /** Successful Moderation *************************************************/