

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: wordpress-6.7.1

apply_filters('{$action}_overrides') is found 1 times:

  • /wp-admin/includes/file.php line 859
    	 *     @type int    $size     The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.
    	 *     @type int    $error    The error code associated with this file upload.
    	 * }
    	$overrides = apply_filters( "{$action}_overrides", $overrides, $file );
    	// You may define your own function and pass the name in $overrides['upload_error_handler'].
    	$upload_error_handler = 'wp_handle_upload_error';
    	if ( isset( $overrides['upload_error_handler'] ) ) {
    		$upload_error_handler = $overrides['upload_error_handler'];