

Hook Type: filter

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: advanced-custom-fields.6.3.1

apply_filters('acf/compatibility/{$name}') is found 1 times:

  • /includes/compatibility.php line 481

    Warning: Undefined array key 482 in /home/c6974294/public_html/ on line 167

    Warning: Undefined array key 483 in /home/c6974294/public_html/ on line 167

    Warning: Undefined array key 484 in /home/c6974294/public_html/ on line 167

    Warning: Undefined array key 485 in /home/c6974294/public_html/ on line 167

    Warning: Undefined array key 486 in /home/c6974294/public_html/ on line 167

     * @param   string $name The name of the component to check.
     * @return  boolean
    function acf_get_compatibility( $name ) {
    	return apply_filters( "acf/compatibility/{$name}", false );