

Hook Type: action

See hook in core

Displaying hooks found in version: bbpress.2.6.9

do_action('_bbp_akismet_delete_spam_meta_count') is found 2 times:

  • /includes/extend/akismet.php line 1155
    			 * @param int   Count of topic/reply IDs
    			 * @param array Array of topic/reply IDs
    			do_action( '_bbp_akismet_delete_spam_meta_count', count( $spam_ids ), $spam_ids );
    		// Maybe optimize
  • /includes/extend/akismet.php line 1236
    			 * @param int   Count of spam meta IDs
    			 * @param array Array of spam meta IDs
    			do_action( '_bbp_akismet_delete_spam_meta_count', count( $spam_meta_deleted ), $spam_meta_deleted );
    			// Break if getting close to max_execution_time.
    			if ( ( microtime( true ) - $start_time ) > $max_exec_time ) {